Do you want to learn How the A.C.E. Formula CAN improve your Dating life?

Watch the video where adam teaches ace formula to a Good looking, Successful guy with a great body...

....who yet struggles to date high quality women

The Guys with the most potential are usually the ones who settle for less.

Stop settling, and start dating high quality women who CRAVE intimacy with you. Click the link below and schedule a call with one of our team members to see if our Dating program is right for you.

Here is a breakdown of what you get with the A.C.E. Formula program


This makes sure that the improvement you get in your dating life is real and long lasting so you never regress back to having an unfulfilling and lonely love life.


These classes are run by professional instructors who are there to guide you through the materials and help you pass the 70+ tests and live challenges you are given through the program to make sure you pass the program with the results you want.


Your customized membership portal tracks your progress through the program and allows your personal accountability coach to spot any areas of weakness before they come up to ensure you get the additional training you need to get you through those areas and continue your progression. This keeps you on track to get the results you want in a fraction of the time of any other dating program.


This is the only dating program in the world to feature assessments and challenges to ensure that you have fully understood the material and have managed to see it work in real life, so that you have practical experience of the lessons and can see the results of using them. This is how we ensure you get the dating life you want with real applicable results.


These enable you to see the progress of the rest of the students and to ask any questions you need answers to from your peers and the instructors of the program.


The ACE Formula is very structural course, yet very flexible on how you like to go through it. You can pick the times where you want to do the trainings and the homework and even the times for your calls. You can choose to jump into the process head on, or deep your toes and then slowly decent. We are all about making it the best experience for you




If you don't have an abundance of dating opportunities in your life you become "needy", "desperate" and "creepy" as you live in a constant fear of losing your partner. Ironically this fear is almost always guaranteed to end your relationship, causing you to act out in anger, fear, and desperation. 

The Abundance course makes sure you never have a lack of potential dating partners again. Imagine how you will feel knowing there are plenty of options for you, and other people who would consider themselves lucky to be with you. This section of the A.C.E. Formula ensures you never feel needy again.



If you don't have confidence in your dating life, you're always going to struggle to be seen as attractive, this can be even harder if you've had bad rejections in the past, or have deep insecurities about yourself.

The Confidence course makes sure you find your own TRUE confidence. Rather than "Faking it until you make it", this course helps you find situations where you truly are confident and then builds upon that until you are seen as confident by everyone around you, including those you want to date. You've probably heard nothing is more attractive than confidence, this Section of the A.C.E. Formula ensures you are as attractive as possible to everyone you meet.



If you don't know how to escalate a situation to be more intimate, you'll constantly find yourself seen as only a friend and nothing more. This is incredibly common if you're someone who believes in being nice and helpful to those you meet.

The Escalation course makes sure you know EXACTLY how to escalate an interaction to a more intimate relationship in a way that makes you and you partner feel comfortable, aroused and in control of the pace of the interaction. When you do this correctly your potential partner will find spending time with you to to be emotionally charged with sexual tension that isn't too overbearing, and still gives them room to consent at their own pace.



Your Abundance Coach

Scott is an ACE Formula graduate and ACE Formula certified dating coach who also happens to be a full-time professional, divorcee and dad. After 15 years of marriage, Scott got back in the game in mid-2020. With the help of the ACE Formula, first as a student, then as a student instructor, and now as an instructor, Scott has used the skills he learned in the ACE Formula to create the dating life of his dreams.

Scott understands how to overcome the challenges of dating that busy professionals face and the uncertainties that people face after divorce and is ready to teach you how to overcome these obstacles and create the dating life you always wanted.


Your Confidence Coach

As a professional Travel Hacker, Brandon is used to being in foreign countries in sometimes dangerous situations with no way of communicating let alone getting help. Yet his confidence in his own social skills has helped him time and time again.

This same skill set has ensured that he has no shortage of partners in countries all over the world eager for him to return to spend time with him. 

Brandon will be personally focused on helping you develop your own deep and inner confidence to grow your attraction in the most natural and powerful way possible.


Your Escalation Coach

Known as The Sexy Life Coach, Mjaie Mangus assists in empowering and serving clients in self-mastery, intimacy and relationships. Host of the provocative Love and Lies Podcast, she serves to create a non-judgmental community where we can understand each other and accept each other for a better SELF and WORLD.

Serial entrepreneur, mother and artist.


Your Accountability Coach

Eve is the personal accountability manager of Adam Lyons, she ensures his diary, tasks and business are run like clockwork. She is a force to be reckoned with and one that Adam truly believes is part of his huge business growth in the last few years. When she is in Adam's corner there isn't much he can't achieve.

Now for the first time ever you can have this incredible woman pushing your dating life to get you the results you always dreamed of. Eve will personally be focused on getting you through the program and making sure you keep up to date with the challenges lessons and get the results you want.


Your Mentor

Voted the Number 1 Dating Coach in the world 3 times in a row, star of multiple documentaries about dating and attraction,  author and public speaker, Adam Lyons is widely regarded as one of the worlds leading authority on practical dating and attraction.

Adam views the A.C.E. Formula as his life's work, and this course has been personally created and overseen by him to meet his strict standards and to ensure any student that takes part in it gets the same consistent results time and time again.

Adam will personally keeps an eye on students progression through the course and ensure the instructors are doing the best job possible to get you the results you want. He is driven to help people just like you understand how dating works and learn the steps you need to take to get you your ideal dating life with the Love, Attention and Fulfillment you crave.



Ben Newcomb

“Before the A.C.E. Formula, I was struggling with women. When I joined the program, it changed my whole life. Now I have women coming up to me, I’m scheduling two dates a day, and had to even put my Facebook dating on pause because I don’t have time for it all. They’re chasing me now and life is very, very good!”

Tom Flynn

“This program is so much more than just videos. I had different experienced coaches walking me through the entire thing every single week. And I now have the abundance with women that I really wanted. They transformed not just my dating life, but my entire life. Thank you!

Sammy Hawes

“I took the A.C.E. Formula and I’ve come out of this with a LOT more confidence and knowing what I’m doing now. Not just with women, but also having a purpose in life and being a man. Adam and his coaches taught me a lot about myself that I didn’t know. This program is just phenomenal.”

Max Cucu

“The experience, lessons, and skills I learned in the A.C.E. Formula are amazing. It taught me step-by-step on how to become a better person, how to be more confident, how to be a leader, and how to be more sociable with anyone and not with just pretty girls. I definitely recommend the program because I love it!”

Garred Mann

“Before joining A.C.E., I wasn't very confident and had problems escalating with girls. I'm glad I did it because I now consider myself an expert in dating after all the things I learned compared to where I was before. I highly recommend this program to anyone who’s on the fence. Thank you for helping me become who I am now!”

Christian Loparco

“I signed up for the A.C.E. Formula because I was just fed up of my lack of results with women. I tried other dating companies, but I basically wasted my time because they simply weren’t as effective as what I learned in the A.C.E. program. Adam taught me how to read body language and be good at conversation so I can escalate things without being creepy or weird. This is definitely the best dating program I’ve taken!”

Austin Nathan

“I was having trouble approaching women. Within the first month of the program I already saw success and I’m dating a girl who is VERY attractive and we have quite a bit in common. So if you’re on the fence about signing up, go for it! It’s going to help your social life, sex life, and even your business life.”

Simon Sultana

“I recently did the A.C.E. Formula program with Adam Lyons and it was money well spent. As a result, I now have the level of success with women that I never thought I would have. Adam’s program is very practical, useful, and easy to do and has made me a better man. Thank you for helping me out and am excited to continue learning more!

Ray Sheng

“I really liked the A.C.E. program and experience. The coaches are very knowledgeable in their area of expertise. If you're looking to upgrade your lifestyle, get better with the opposite sex, go on more dates, make more friends, or just learn how to be more social, I highly recommend the program!”

Jeffrey Lammi

“The A.C.E. Formula really helped me out with dating and understanding how attraction works. If you’re on the fence about anything, I highly suggest the program because it will save you time and money from trial and error trying to figure it out yourself when you have these great coaches like Adam and his team.”

Matthew Murphy

“My first impressions of the program is that it is really well organized and laid out. I also thought that the team did a good job of getting you started and explaining everything. They have been very responsive to my questions or comments, which helps a lot. I’m really excited to start digging in more and seeing more success with the program!”

Farhad Irani

“Before I took the A.C.E. Formula, I’d say my dating life was average. This program then took me way, way further. And not only did it improve my dating life, but my business life as well because I learned tools that make me better with people in general and being a leader. I'm so glad I did it because I'm a different person now. I've never been better."


  • An Abundance expert to get you a happy social life full of people that chase you

  • A Confidence expert that will have you impress anyone you meet with you conversational skills and have them hanging on your every word

  • An Escalation expert who will teach you how to have people desperate to see just what secret desires you can unleash in the bedroom with them

  • Your Personal Accountability Coach that will ensure you have help at any point during the program and keep you on track with your goals

  • Over 75 Actionable strategies to follow for proven results in every area of dating from Dating Apps to overcoming bedroom fears

  • A Private community with Experts, staff and students for answers to any questions you have to ensure you reach your goals


  • Online dating to ensure that you can attract your ideal partners remotely

  • Long Distance Dating that will allow you to have strong relationship even if you can't always maintain it in person

  • MVP Formula is the extra sexual escalation training that teaches you how to turn women on mentally, verbally and physically


This program has been run for many years and has one goal. Ensuring you can solve ALL your dating problems.

If we can't do that, we don't want to get paid. So we made this "no brainer" guarantee.

If for some reason you don't feel like the program is working you can contact your accountability coach within 30 days of your start date for a full refund. 

We want to have a huge, positive impact on your life, more importantly we still want to be friends. 

We are confident you will see massive improvement in every aspect of your dating life, so there really is nothing to fear, either this works for you or it doesn't and you don't pay a penny. 

So fill in the form below and let us explain everything about the program in full.


Discover the personal reason why Adam is so passionate about helping people just like you

APPLY for a personal Assessment session 


Hi, I'm eve

I am in charge of the student enrollment for our programs. 

I would love to jump on the phone with you and give you a personal assessment to see whether the A.C.E. FORMULA is right for you to conquers your obstacles and achieve your goals. 

Please schedule a time and fill up this application form, so that I can get in touch with you and have a private call with me. 

This call is absolutely free and you are not obligated to sign up right away. 

I just want to get to know you and see how we can help! 

Hope to chat to you soon, my friend! 

Please pick a time and fill out the form below to chat to our representatives.

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